امریکی 2024 کے انتخابات کے نتائج نے ڈونلڈ ٹرمپ کی جیت کو حیران کر دیا۔

America سیاست

1.US  2024 Election

The U.S. presidential election of 2024 will go down as one of the most divisive and surprising in recent memory. Defying expectations, former President Donald Trump defeated Vice President Kamala Harris handily to retake the White House. Trump’s triumph, which included significant victories in a number of swing states, shocked both domestic and foreign analysts who anticipated a more equally divided contest.

As news outlets verified that Trump had successfully seized a number of formerly Democratic areas, his win was assured with 270 electoral votes to Harris’s 224. After George W. Bush from 2001 to 2009, he is the second Republican to hold office for a second term in the past 20 years. We examine the events of this election night, the major responses from world leaders, and the possible domestic and international ramifications of Trump’s administration below.

2. امریکی 2024 کے انتخابات سوئنگ ریاستوں میں ٹرمپ کی تاریخی فتوحات

Us 2024 the key to Trump’s success was turning around swing states that have voted blue in the past. He gained momentum from important victories in Georgia and North Carolina, and his leads in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Nevada set him up for a commanding finish. Trump’s surprising achievements in these domains demonstrated a realignment of conventional party allegiance and a change in voter attitude.

a شمالی کیرولینا اور جارجیا:

Trump reversed previous Democratic-leaning tendencies with his victories in these states. Trump’s campaign emphasized economic recovery and stringent immigration measures, which resonated with Georgia voters, where Joe Biden narrowly won the 2020 race.

ب مشی گن اور پنسلوانیا:

By focusing on energy independence and winning over working-class voters, Trump was able to retake Pennsylvania, a state that has previously supported Democrats. Similarly, Trump’s pledges to accelerate industrial growth were well received by Michigan’s manufacturing communities.

c نیواڈا اور وسکونسن:

ٹرمپ نے اقتصادی استحکام اور ملازمتوں کی ترقی کے اپنے پیغام کی بدولت وسکونسن میں قریبی لیکن فیصلہ کن فتح حاصل کی۔ ٹرمپ نیواڈا میں ہسپانوی اور محنت کش طبقے کے ووٹروں کے کچھ حصوں پر فتح حاصل کرنے میں کامیاب رہے، جو کہ عام طور پر ایک جمہوری ریاست ہے۔

3. عالمی ردعمل: مبارکباد

US 2o24 Election Following Trump’s victory, world leaders responded quickly, expressing both enthusiasm and cautious optimism about the redesigned U.S. leadership style:


While congratulating Trump, Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasized the “comprehensive global and strategic partnership” that exists between the United States and India. Modi’s speech emphasized our shared objectives in regional security and economic cooperation.


In reference to his aspirations for a closer U.S.-Israeli partnership, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hailed Trump’s win as a “historic comeback.” Netanyahu underlined the value of presenting a unified front on security issues, especially those pertaining to Iran.


In an indication of cautious optimism, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov stated that Russia would closely monitor Trump’s actions. Trump’s previous statements about cutting military spending and emphasizing “peace through strength” were cited by the Kremlin as potentially advantageous for Russia’s foreign policy.


In an indication of China’s desire to stabilize its commercial relations during Trump’s presidency, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Mao Ning voiced hopes for “peaceful coexistence” with the United States.

نیٹو اتحادی اور یورپی یونین:

European leaders voiced relief and concern, and they all hoped that Trump’s second term would result in additional pledges to transatlantic security alliances. Leaders like British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and French President Emmanuel Macron have underlined the importance of working together to overcome common global concerns.

شہباز، پی ایم

Shehbaz Sharif, the prime minister, congratulated Donald Trump on his “historic win” in the race for a second term as US president.

“I am eager to collaborate closely with the incoming administration to enhance and expand the partnership between the United States and Pakistan.”

4. Implications of Trump’s Return to the White House for Domestic Policy

“Make America Great Again, Again,” Trump’s campaign slogan, reveals the ideas he wants to implement. Important topics that are probably going to get a lot of attention are:

a. معیشت:

ٹرمپ کو ڈی ریگولیشن، ملازمت میں اضافے اور ٹیکسوں میں کمی کو ترجیح دینے کی توقع ہے۔ وہ گھریلو مینوفیکچرنگ اور توانائی کی خودمختاری پر زور دے کر غیر ملکی وسائل پر انحصار کم کرتے ہوئے اقتصادی ترقی کو بڑھانا چاہتا ہے۔

ب صحت کی دیکھ بھال:

With the goal of enacting a more market-driven approach to healthcare coverage, Trump’s return may herald a renewed push to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.

c امیگریشن:

سخت سرحدی کنٹرول کے پرجوش حامی کے طور پر، ٹرمپ اپنی دوسری مدت کے دوران امیگریشن کے ضوابط کو سخت کر سکتے ہیں، سرحد کی حفاظت پر زور دیتے ہوئے اور غیر دستاویزی تارکین وطن کے لیے فوائد کو کم کر سکتے ہیں۔

f ہدایت:

In line with his prior term’s emphasis on educational reform, Trump’s administration is probably going to promote school choice and more government funding for charter schools.

d خارجہ امور:

Trump’s emphasis on America-first policies is a recurrent feature in his foreign policy strategy. It is anticipated that his government will reduce military intervention in international conflicts, scale back foreign aid, and engage in selective global engagement.

5. Barriers Trump’s Second Term

ٹرمپ کو اپنی جیت کے باوجود وائٹ ہاؤس واپسی پر رکاوٹوں کے ایک الگ سیٹ کا سامنا ہے:


Public opinion has traditionally been split during Trump’s presidency. His emphasis on contentious topics may increase tensions at home, particularly in politically delicate fields like immigration and law enforcement.

ب ماحولیاتی پالیسی:

ٹرمپ نے ماحولیاتی حدود پر اقتصادی توسیع کو ترجیح دیتے ہوئے موسمیاتی تبدیلی کی پالیسیوں کی شدید مخالفت کی ہے۔ یہ پوزیشن بین الاقوامی آب و ہوا کے معاہدوں اور ماحولیاتی تنظیموں کی مخالفت کا سبب بن سکتی ہے۔

c صحت کی دیکھ بھال اور سماجی تحفظ:

کم آمدنی والے اور بزرگ آبادی پر اثرات کے بارے میں فکر مند وکالت گروپ صحت کی دیکھ بھال اور سماجی تحفظ کے اخراجات میں مجوزہ کٹوتیوں کی مخالفت کر سکتے ہیں، جن کا مقصد وفاقی اخراجات کو کم کرنا ہے۔

6. الیکشن 2024 ٹرمپ انتظامیہ سے کیا توقع رکھیں

Trump’s government is expected to take decisive action in a number of crucial sectors, with an emphasis on reestablishing economic stability, bolstering security, and defending American interests abroad:

توانائی کی آزادی:

The U.S. oil and gas companies stand to benefit greatly from Trump’s position on energy independence. His policies might also prioritize the development of alternative energy sources while striking a balance between economic growth and environmental laws.

بی ٹیک اور انوویشن:

الیکشن 2024 ریاستہائے متحدہ کو ٹیکنالوجی میں عالمی رہنما کے طور پر پوزیشن دینے کے لیے، حکومت سائبر سیکیورٹی کی کوششوں، 5G کی ترقی، اور جدت پر مبنی اقتصادی پالیسیوں کو اولین ترجیح دے سکتی ہے۔

c عدالتی تقرریاں:

In order to establish a long-lasting impact on the American legal system, Trump’s administration may persist in its efforts to appoint conservative justices to federal courts.

d تجارتی رابطے:

یہ متوقع ہے کہ ٹرمپ تجارتی معاہدوں پر دوبارہ بات چیت کریں گے جس میں منصفانہ تجارت اور امریکہ کے لیے فائدہ مند شرائط پر زور دیا جائے گا۔ اس حکمت عملی میں درآمدی ڈیوٹی میں اضافہ شامل ہو سکتا ہے، خاص طور پر چینی اشیاء پر، امریکی برآمدات کو بڑھانے پر توجہ مرکوز کرنا۔

7. ایک کراس پر ایک عالمی اور قوم

An important turning point in American history   reached with Donald Trump’s return to the White House. Critics  still worried about how his policies   affect social equality and international diplomacy,  while his supporters see him   champion of conservative values and economic might. Trump’s second term  expected to be just as significant and transformative as his first, with the entire world watching.

The American electorate’s profound divisions and common goals have been brought to light by this election. Trump’s administration will have to strike a balance   between these intricate  going forward in order to promote unity,  l with the country’s urgent problems, and improve the United States’ reputation internationally.

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