راکھی ساونت نے ’شریف‘ عمران خان کے لیے آواز اٹھائی۔

ہندوستان پاکستان دنیا

Popular Bollywood actress and dancing sensation Rakhi Sawant has raised her voice for incarcerated PTI Founder Imran Khan and said once he is released from jail, she will especially visit Pakitan to felicitate the former prime minister.

راکھی دبئی میں اپنی نئی میوزک ویڈیو بے بی ڈرامہ کوئین کی لانچنگ کے موقع پر بات کر رہی تھیں۔

ایک نیوز آؤٹ لیٹ سے بات کرتے ہوئے راکھی ساونت نے کہا کہ وہ اس بات پر دکھی اور صدمے میں ہیں کہ کس طرح ایک ’’شریف‘‘ شخص کو اس طرح جیل میں ڈالا گیا جبکہ پوری عوام کے لبوں پر صرف عمران خان اور پی ٹی آئی کا نام تھا۔

انہوں نے مزید دعویٰ کیا کہ پوری عوام عمران کو وزیراعظم بنانا چاہتی ہے، انہوں نے مزید کہا کہ عوامی جذبات کو کوئی چیلنج نہیں کرسکتا۔

Rakhi Sawant recently made waves when she praised Imran Khan, calling him “Shareef” (honest) and praising his leadership abilities in an interview with major media sites. Following Sawant’s unexpected support, people on social media have expressed a variety of emotions, such as astonishment, laughing, and interest over his unconventional entry into geopolitics.

Rakhi Sawant’s vocal support for Imran Khan serves as a reminder of how erratic and flexible the language of modern politics can be. Sawant’s endorsement serves as a reminder of how unstable and changeable public opinion can be in a society where partisanship and ingrained opinions are the norm.

Rakhi Sawant is a well-known figure in the entertainment and popular culture, thus her backing has a unique meaning that goes beyond conventional political recommendations. Her support has the ability to abruptly change public opinion and discourse because of her broad and diverse following.

The endorsement also illustrates the complexity of the relationship between Pakistan and India by demonstrating how diplomatic narratives can inadvertently become entangled with cultural icons. Sawant’s support may seem like a playful gesture to some, but in reality, it highlights the subtleties and complexities of the two countries’ bilateral relationship.

Also Read: وزیراعظم عمران خان نے صنعتی شعبے کے لیے مراعاتی پیکج کا اعلان کیا