پاکستانی ، بھارتی فوجی کمانڈر ہاٹ لائن رابطہ قائم کرتے ہیں

Pakistan and Indian military commanders have established a hotline contact and discussed matters relating to maintaining ceasefire along Line of Control (LoC) in Kashmir. Is the ice is melting? The hotline contact was the second development between the arch-rivals within four days that can be seen as a thaw in the tense bilateral ties for […]

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سوڈان کے دارفور میں قیام امن کا مشن ، خوف کا شکار ہو کر ختم ہوا

The United Nations-African Union mission in Darfur is set to end 13 years of peacekeeping in the vast Sudanese region on Thursday, even as recent violent clashes leave residents fearful of new conflict. Fighting erupted in Darfur in 2003, when ethnic minority rebels rose up against the Arab-dominated government in Khartoum, which responded by recruiting […]

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ناروے میں مٹی کا تودہ گرنے سے گھروں کو دفن کرنے کے بعد دس افراد لاپتہ ہیں

Rescue workers were still searching on Thursday for survivors from a landslide that destroyed homes in a Norwegian village close to Oslo leaving 10 people unaccounted for, including two children, and 10 injured. Work continued overnight after a whole hillside collapsed in Ask, 25 kilometres (15 miles) northeast of the capital. Homes were buried under […]

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Trump Signals Possible Veto as US Defense Bill Heads to Vote

US lawmakers vote Tuesday on a sweeping defence spending bill, the first of three huge measures Congress is scrambling to address this month, but it faces a potential veto from outgoing President Donald Trump. The $740.5 billion bill’s chief Republican sponsor, Representative Mac Thornberry, said strong support could provide a quick victory as Congress turns to approve a federal budget and a […]

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پاکستان میں چاند گرہن: کیا یہ آپ کی صحت کو متاثر کرسکتا ہے؟

The fourth and last lunar eclipse of 2020 occurred today on Monday, November 30. Like previous eclipses, this will also be a penumbral lunar eclipse, meaning that the Earth would come between the Sun and the moon during the event. Lunar eclipse in Pakistan According to the Institute of Space and Planetary Astrophysics (ISPA), University of […]

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وائرس کی بندش کے بعد پہلے غیر ملکی طلباء آسٹریلیا پہنچے ہیں

International students have arrived in Australia for the first time since the country shut its borders to curb coronavirus in March, with a charter flight touching down in Darwin on Monday. Australian universities have been leaking cash due to the country’s indefinite border closure, which has locked out foreign students who keep the billion-dollar sector […]

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چین نے فیکٹری میں مہلک دھماکے کے لئے 53 افراد کو جیل بھیج دیا

چین کی ایک عدالت نے پیر کے روز 53 افراد کو مشرقی چین میں ایک بڑے کیمیکل فیکٹری میں ہونے والے دھماکے جس میں 78 افراد ہلاک ہوئے تھے، رشوت خوری اور لاپرواہی سمیت دیگر الزامات کے تحت سزا سنائی۔ مارچ 2019 میں صوبہ جیانگ سو میں ہونے والا دھماکہ حالیہ برسوں میں ملک میں ہونے والے بدترین صنعتی حادثات میں سے ایک تھا اور اس کی وجہ […]

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