پی ٹی آئی کے بانی کی سزا پر امریکہ کا ردعمل۔

America دنیا

US State Department Spokesman Matthew Miller says that he is looking into the cases against the former Prime Minister and founder of PTI, will not comment on the sentence handed down by the court.

سائفر کیس میں پی ٹی آئی کے بانی کو سزا سنائے جانے پر امریکی ردعمل، میتھیو ملر نے پریس بریفنگ میں کہا کہ سابق وزیراعظم کے خلاف ٹرائل قانونی معاملہ ہے۔

میتھیو ملر نے کہا، "قانونی معاملات، پاکستان کے اندرونی معاملات پر پاکستانی عدالتوں سے رجوع کریں، اور عہدے کے امیدواروں کے بارے میں کوئی پوزیشن نہ لیں۔"

The spokesperson of the US Department of State said that they want to see a free, fair, and open democratic process, they want a democratic process in which all parties participate widely, and democratic principles are respected.

Relationship specialists between Pakistan an

Some people believe that Imran Khan’s supporters would become even more ardent in their political activism and protests as a result of the punishment.d the United States have offered their opinions on the possible consequences of the verdic.

Discussions over the verdict’s possible impact on relations between Pakistan and the United States have also been sparked.

The two nations are connected in numerous ways, such as trade, development, and security cooperation; nevertheless, political upheaval in Pakistan could affect future exchanges and diplomatic ties.

Also Read: ‘قریشی نے وزارت سے کہا کہ وہ امریکی سفارت کار سے سائفر شیئر نہ کرے’