
متحدہ عرب امارات نے "رواداری بڑھانے" کے لئے اسلامی قوانین میں نرمی


1. UAE

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a country well-known for its breathtaking beaches, tall skyscrapers, and rich cultural legacy. Aiming to promote tolerance, the United Arab Emirates has changed some Islamic laws. This suggests that their objective is to establish a country in which people from different backgrounds can live in harmony with one another. In this post, we’ll talk about these events, their importance, and how the people of the UAE will be affected.

2. What Exactly Is Tolerance?

Tolerance requires accepting and respecting individuals who are different from us. People of different nationalities, religions, or cultural backgrounds may fall under this category. Tolerance entails letting others live their lives as they see fit, regardless of how different our opinions and practices may be from theirs. Tolerance is essential because it creates a peaceful, comfortable community where everyone is made to feel welcome.

3. Why Did the UAE Change Its Legal Framework?

The United Arab Emirates is home to a large population from all over the world. These people live, work, and travel in the United Arab Emirates. Due to the wide diversity of the United Arab Emirates’ population, the government made an effort to guarantee that everyone was treated with ease and respect.

4.Significant Changes to the Laws

The UAE implemented various notable law changes, including the following:

Alcohol consumption:

Previously, a specific permit was needed to consume alcohol in the United Arab Emirates. It is now acceptable to drink alcohol without a license. However, they are still required to follow the rules about where and when they are allowed to drink.


It used to be against the law for an unmarried couple to live together. In the United Arab Emirates, cohabitation between unmarried couples is now legal.

Divorce and Inheritance:

Recently, laws regarding divorce and inheritance have been updated. Now, people from other countries can follow their own country’s divorce and inheritance laws, instead of only according to UAE law.

Why Do These Modifications Matter?

These modifications are crucial for a number of reasons:

Welcoming Diversity:

The UAE is demonstrating that it recognizes and honors the variety of backgrounds among its citizens by easing some of its legal restrictions. This makes visitors from other cultures feel more at home in the United Arab Emirates.

Encouraging Safety:

The goal of the new harassment and assault regulations is to safeguard individuals and ensure that they feel secure. This is particularly crucial in a nation where a large population is foreign-born.

Promoting Travel and Business:

Travelers and business travelers alike frequently choose to visit the United Arab Emirates. The nation thinks that by implementing these measures, it will draw in even more tourists and investors, which would spur economic growth.

What Effects Do These Changes Have on Individuals?

The following individuals will be impacted by the new laws in different ways:


Residents of the United Arab Emirates, particularly those from foreign countries, may feel more at ease due to the more lenient and open policies. As a result, they might feel more at home and welcomed in their new home.


As they will have more freedom to enjoy themselves without worrying about breaking any strict laws, travelers to the UAE will benefit from the reduced regulations.


Companies may find it easier to attract customers and employees from around the world due to the United Arab Emirates’ open and accepting culture.


Changes to the legislation pertaining to inheritance and divorce

Difficulties and Fears

Although these adjustments are beneficial, there are certain difficulties and worries as well:

Juggling Tradition and Modernity: The United Arab Emirates is a nation with strong traditions, so some may be concerned that these developments may have an impact on the nation’s cultural identity. The United Arab Emirates must strike a balance between updating its legal system and upholding its cultural customs.

Public Awareness: Since some people may not be aware of the new laws, it is the government’s responsibility to ensure that the public is aware of them and how they will impact their day-to-day activities.

Implementation: Ensuring that the new laws are enforced equitably and consistently is crucial. This implies that the way in which the laws will be applied must be made known by the authorities.

The United Arab Emirates’ move to loosen its Islamic regulations is a big step in the direction of encouraging inclusion and tolerance. The UAE is demonstrating that it respects diversity and is dedicated to establishing a secure and friendly environment for everyone by implementing these reforms. These modifications will help the UAE maintain its status as a cutting-edge, modern nation while also benefiting businesses, tourists, and locals. To maintain its distinctiveness and depth of culture, the UAE must simultaneously strike a balance between these developments and its customs. We can learn from this example the value of flexibility, the appreciation of diversity, and the necessity of rules that serve to both protect and bring society’s members together.

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