16 دسمبر 2014 کو پاکستان میں کیا ہوا۔

تعلیم مقامی پاکستان

1. کیا ہوا؟ 16 دسمبر 

One of the most heartbroken days in Pakistan’s history occurred on December 16, 2014, when terrorists attacked the Army’s Public School (APS) in Peshawar. More than 140 individuals were killed in this dangerous act, most of them innocent youngsters. The Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) planned the attack as an intentionally reaction to the continuing military actions against militant organizations. Families suffered and the country was in sorrow when those responsible broke into the school and committed unspeakable violence. Pakistan was rocked by this savage event, which brought the nation together in sorrow and determination. The tragedy at APS served as a sobering reminder of the terrible results of terrorism and the significance of opposing extremism. Additionally, it provoked international and national censure, marking a sea change in Pakistan’s counterterrorism tactics. The victims’ memories serve as a constant source of strength and a shared resolve to prevent such atrocities from happening again.

2. آرمی پبلک سکول پشاور کے طلباء پر حملہ

پشاور میں 16 دسمبر 2014 کو پاکستان آرمی پبلک اسکول (اے پی ایس) میں ایک ناقابل تصور سانحہ نے ملک کو ہلا کر رکھ دیا۔ جب تحریک طالبان پاکستان (ٹی ٹی پی) کے دہشت گردوں کے ایک گروپ نے بھاری ہتھیاروں سے اسکول پر حملہ کیا تو انہوں نے سینکڑوں معصوم طلباء اور عملے کو نشانہ بنایا۔ اس شیطانی حملے میں، 132 نوجوان، جن کی عمریں آٹھ سال سے کم تھیں، ہلاک ہونے والے 140 سے زائد افراد میں شامل تھے۔

Classrooms became scenes of horror, and the pupils, who had come to class that day in order to learn and develop, confronted unspeakable terror. The assailants specifically targeted young people with promising futures in an effort to cause the greatest amount of suffering and terror. In addition to destroying families, the APS strike permanently damaged the nation’s collective conscience. Notwithstanding the sorrow, the students’ courage and selflessness continue to stand as a testament to Pakistan’s fortitude against terrorism.

3. اے پی ایس حملہ 2014 کے حقائق

One of Pakistan’s deadliest terrorist attacks occurred on December 16, 2014, at the Army’s Public Secondary School (APS) in Peshawar. Targeting defenseless pupils and employees, six highly armed terrorists from the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistani (TTP) broke inside the school. More than 140 people were killed in this vicious attack, including 132 youngsters between the ages of 8 and 18. More than 120 more were injured. In response to Pakistan’s military actions against extremists in North Waziristan, the attack was carried out. The assailants caused chaos for almost eight hours, transforming classrooms into unthinkable horror scenes.

The assailants caused chaos for almost eight hours, transforming classrooms into unthinkable horror scenes. Many people were saved when the attackers were ultimately neutralized by the Pakistani Army’s Special Operations Group (SSG). Significant counterterrorism measures, such as the passage of the National Action Plan (NAP) and the emergence of military courts to speed up terrorist prosecutions, were prompted by the tragedy, which received widespread condemnation. Pakistan commemorates today, December 16, as a “Black Day” to remember the victims and to reaffirm the country’s commitment to fighting terrorism.

4. Pakistan’s fight against terrorism

Following the devastating attack on the Army Public School (APS) in December 2014, Pakistan put into effect the National Action Plan (NAP), a thorough anti-terrorism plan. NAP’s actions included cracking into inflammatory remarks and extremist propaganda, bolstering intelligence-sharing channels, and establishing military courts.

5. 16 دسمبر 2014 بین الاقوامی ردعمل

On December 16, 2014, the Army public elementary school (APS) in Peshawar in Pakistan was attacked, shocking the entire globe.  Numerous nations and leaders expressed their sorrow at the loss of young lives and vehemently denounced this horrible act. The UN referred to it as an act of “unbelievable brutality” and promised Pakistan its full assistance. The United States called the attack “heinous and cowardly,” and both President Obama and Secretaries of State John Kerry expressed their condolences.

Prime Minister David Cameron of the United Kingdom described the attack as deeply shocking  and Queen Elizabeth II even sent her condolences. Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India expressed his sorrow and called it a “irrationally act of brutality,” and there were candlelit services played in Indian cities to remember those who were killed. China as Saudi Arabia, the nation of Turkey, as well as other nations also shared their condolences. The attack brought the world community together in depression and improved the resolve to fight terrorism together.

6. 16 دسمبر 2014 کی یاد 

In Pakistan’s history, the sixteenth of December 2014,   regarded as one of the most tragic days. On this day, terrorists attacked the Army Public School (APS) in Peshawar, tragically killing over 140 people, the most of whom were youngsters. This day  mournfully marked annually to remember those who died innocently and to bring attention to the atrocities of terrorists.

پاکستان بھر کے سکولوں میں مرنے والے اساتذہ اور طلباء کے اعزاز میں خصوصی اجلاس اور دعائیں کی گئیں۔ دوستوں، خاندان اور پورے ملک کی طرف سے ان کی بہادری کے اعزاز میں شمع روشن کی گئی۔ قربانیوں کو یاد کرنے والی یادگاروں اور یادگاروں میں پشاور میں اے پی ایس ہیروز کی یادگار شامل ہے۔

7. 16 دسمبر یوم سیاہ

پاکستان 2014 میں پشاور میں آرمی پبلک اسکول (اے پی ایس) حملے کی یاد میں 16 دسمبر کو یوم سیاہ کے طور پر مناتا ہے۔ اس خاص دن اسکول پر ہونے والے دہشت گردانہ حملے میں 132 بچوں سمیت 140 سے زائد افراد ہلاک ہوئے۔ اس سانحہ نے، جس نے بے دفاع طلباء کو نشانہ بنایا اور بہت سے خاندانوں کی زندگیوں کو مستقل طور پر بدل دیا، ملک کو گہرے صدمے اور غم میں مبتلا کر دیا۔

Black Day is a somber reminder of the terrible effects of terrorism and the lives lost every year. People in Pakistan commemorate the victims on this day by holding memorial ceremonies, candlelight vigils, and prayers. The day characterized by a sense of collective sadness and meditation on the necessity of ongoing efforts combat extremism and terrorism, and the government, in collaboration with educational institutions, arranges rituals to remember the martyrs. Black Day also emphasizes Pakistan’s tenacity and resolve to oppose the terrorists as one.

یہ بھی پڑھیں پنجاب کے تمام سکولوں میں موسم سرما کی تعطیلات کا اعلان