Government Approves Box 22 in Parliament Session


ISLAMABAD: A Joint session of the Parliament will be held at the Parliament House in Islamabad today (Wednesday).The session will start at 12.00 noon and take up important legislation including the Elections (Amendment) Bill 2021 and others.These electoral reforms bill will ensure the use of the latest technology in the elections besides granting right of vote to overseas Pakistanis.

Security has been beefed up for ahead of the Parliament’s joint sitting. The fresh security measures, entry of guests of ministers and members of the Parliament has been banned besides also running a shuttle service between Parliament House and Lodges.Moreover, it has also been decided to bar entry of security guards of the members of the Parliament inside the premises of the House.

The government is also prepared to pass 22 bills from the session convened today as the opposition is also preparing to give tough time to the treasury benches.The bills that would be tabled in the joint session pertain to electoral reforms, EVMs and voting rights for overseas Pakistanis. The sources privy to the matter said that eight other bills that found it difficult to sail through Senate will also be tabled in the joint session for approval.

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