Punjab Government Supports Healthcare for Trial Children


LAHORE: Punjab government has decided to offer medical facilities for test-tube babies at the government level for the first time, helping childless couples to take advantage of the facility.

The first-of-its-kind facility at the government level in Pakistan will become operational from June as the health department in Punjab has established departments for utilising IVF technology at government health facilities for women and children in Lahore.

The facility for test-tube babies will be offered free of cost in the government centres, contrary to the private sector, where hefty amounts are being charged for the provision of the facility.

Moreover, the government facility will also have a unit to determine mental and physical health issues among children prior to their birth while it would also have a facility to identify health-related issues among pregnant women.

Professionals in juvenile justice are entrusted with children, and they ensure that their rights are fiercely maintained in court.

Specialized training on managing child cases is provided to judges, attorneys, and court employees, encouraging a more deliberate and knowledgeable approach to juvenile justice.

Full support services, including counseling, medical treatment, and rehabilitation programs, are provided to children who are victims of crime.

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