Prime Minister Imran Khan will answer public calls tomorrow


ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister (PM) Imran Khan will directly engage with the public via telephone tomorrow (Tuesday), ARY News reported quoting PTI Senator Faisal Javed Khan.

Taking to Twitter to make the announcement, Faisal Javed said that under the initiative of ‘Ap Ka Prime Minister Ap Kai Sath’ [Your Prime Minister With You], the prime minister would take direct telephone calls from the public at 1:30 pm on Tuesday.The telephonic conversation between the prime minister and the public would be broadcasted live on television, radio and digital media platforms, the senator added.
This is not the first time that Prime Minister Imran Khan would be interacting with the public on the telephone as previously on February 01 and April 04, Imran Khan took calls from the general public and responded to their queries.

PM Imran Khan gave the country “more good news on the economic front” earlier today.

The prime minister claimed that efforts to lower inflation are paying off in a tweet.

“Since the formation of our government, both the core inflation rate and the consumer price index have decreased. “I have instructed my economic team to maintain vigilance and control inflation,” the author said.

Also Read: Prime Minister Imran Khan Urges Completion of Fez Dhabei