PM Khan Appreciates Bill Gates’ Polio Eradication Efforts


Prime Minister Imran Khan has thanked Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates for his immense contribution towards polio eradication and poverty alleviation initiatives.

In a phone call on Wednesday, Microsoft co-founder and multibillionaire philanthropist Bill Gates greeted Prime Minister Imran Khan on taking office and praised him for his efforts to end polio.

According to Babar Bin Atta, PM Khan’s point person on polio eradication, who was accompanying the PM when he spoke with Gates, the two also discussed how to advance Pakistan’s IT sector.

In return, the prime minister expressed gratitude to Gates for his contributions to the social sector.

Gates has already expressed gratitude for Khan’s anti-polio initiatives. He had praised the PTI chairperson’s dedication to the polio virus elimination in Pakistan in a letter sent in March 2015.

Days after the Trump administration said it was cutting off security help to Pakistan, the philanthropist made a pledge to increase financial aid for the country through his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Gates had written to Saira Afzal Tarar, the Minister for National Health Services (NHS), praising the commitment of the then government to the polio eradication effort.

Furthermore, the man who created Microsoft had admitted to getting certain concept notes concerning medical advancements, including those pertaining to “improving maternal and child care and reproductive health.”


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