pm Khan Praises Iran’s Strong Support For Kashmir Dispute


The prime minister welcomed the visiting dignitary and highlighted upward trajectory in bilateral engagement between Pakistan and Iran. He recalled meeting President Raisi in Dushanbe on the margins of SCO Summit, which had imparted further impetus to bilateral cooperation.

The prime minister underscored Pakistan’s commitment to enhance closer bilateral trade relations as well as enhanced economic and energy cooperation. He described the Pakistan-Iran border as a border of ‘peace and friendship’, and underlined the importance of steps taken for enhanced security on both sides. He also noted agreement on establishment of Border Sustenance Markets and stressed that the operationalization of these markets would facilitate livelihood in the region. The opening of two additional border crossing-points in the last one year had further facilitated regulated movement on both sides.

Prime Minister Imran Khan appreciated Iran’s steadfast support on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute, especially by the Supreme Leader, adding that Kashmiris looked forward to Iran’s strong voice in support of their just cause.

The prime minister shared Pakistan’s perspective on the latest developments in Afghanistan, stressing that as the neighbors of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran had direct stake in peace and stability in the country. “Pakistan wishes to see a peaceful and stable Afghanistan with sustainable economy and promoting connectivity.”

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