“Pakistan Stands Against Injustice: Extrajudicial in Kashmir”


ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has called upon the international community to take immediate notice of the state terrorism by India and hold it accountable for egregious human rights violations in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).In a statement issued on Thursday, Foreign Office spokesperson Asim Iftikhar said that the recent killing spree of innocent Kashmiris by Indian occupation forces exposed the unspeakable violence being perpetrated by the“Hindutva” inspired extremist BJP-RSS had combined that has turned IIOJK into an inferno, Radio Pakistan quoted the FO spokesperson as saying.“The killings of Kashmiri civilians also vindicate the irrefutable facts provided by Pakistan recently in a comprehensive dossier exposing human rights violations and war crimes committed by Indian occupation forces in IIOJK,” said the statement.

Talking about the Kashmir issue, the spokesperson urged the world to play its role for a just and peaceful resolution of the dispute as per the relevant UNSC’s resolutions.FO spokesperson Iftikhar strongly condemned the extra-judicial killings of another five innocent Kashmiris by Indian occupation forces in the Kulgam area of Kashmir.Indian forces martyred another five KashmirisGrieving families of the martyred Kashmir have accused security forces of murdering them in “cold blood” after taking them into a business centre to help search for insurgents.“Today it happened to us, tomorrow it can happen to anyone,” said Abdul Majeed Bhat, whose brother Mohammad owned the building and was killed in the incident.“We’ll not rest until my brother’s body is returned to us,” Bhat told AFP. “I appeal to every Kashmiri to protest for the same.”Indian forces in IIOJK last year began refusing families access to the bodies of slain militants.

Wednesday’s protest continued after dark with a candlelight vigil, despite the freezing winter cold in Srinagar. Friends and relatives of the two men deny they had links with militants.Humaira Mudasir, whose husband Mudasir Ahmed Gul was also killed Monday, was among the crowd and cradling her one-year-old daughter in her lap.“Give me my husband’s body. Give me proof of his involvement (with rebels). He was murdered unarmed,” she told reporters.Police acknowledged in a Tuesday statement that they called the pair to “accompany” their search of the building, claiming they died in an exchange of fire with “terrorists”.They also accused both men of being associated with terrorist groups, and claimed one of them was a resident of Pakistan, without offering evidence for either claim.No member of the security forces was reported injured in the incident.The Indian occupation forces have martyred at least 30 Kashmiris in fake encounters or so-called “cordon and search operations” since October 1 this year.

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