
NEW YORK: New York Fashion Week is setting a new trend for September with a shorter, more exclusive schedule of fashion designers and brands.

The Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) has condensed the official New York Fashion Week calendar from six to five days and nights under the leadership of newly-elected chairman, designer Tom Ford.

Not every New York Fashion Week (NYFW) event was attended by celebrities. Its modest origins

focused on news conferences that the American Fashion news Association hosted in the 1940s. Known as the “Godmother of American Fashion,” Eleanor Lambert was the revolutionary force behind these parties. She organized the first “Press Week,” which was intended to expose the creativity of American designers and subvert the dominance of Parisian fashion firms. These were small-scale events at first, with models showcasing the newest styles in hotel ballrooms for a select group of journalists.

As time went on, the gathering started to take on a more glitzy quality and was dubbed “Click Month of New York,” with lavish venues such as the Plaza Hotel. During this time, the fashion business underwent a dramatic shift as retail buyers and high-class socialites began attending the shows, which in turn made NYFW a major player on the international stage.

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