Youm-e-istehsal: A Day to Reflect on India’s Brutalities in Kashmir


The nation is observing Youm-e-Istehsal on Thursday (today) to express solidarity with the enslaved Kashmiri people on completion of two years of the military siege of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K).

It was on the 5th of August 2019, the same day that witnessed the abolition of the special constitutional status of IIOJ&K, which was scrapped by the Modi government and is marked as Youm-e-Istehsal.A host of events have been arranged in order to denounce the Indian one-sided illegal actions against Kashmiri people as well as the atrocities being carried out by the Indian forces in IoJK.The participants of the walk will wear black bands and carry the flags of Pakistan and Azad Kashmir. One minute silence is to be observed across the country. Traffic is to be halted for one minute and sirens will be sounded.

Earlier, Radio Pakistan had released two short documentaries on the occasion of Youm-e-Istehsal that exposed the face of the Modi government.The documentary highlighted Indian atrocities in occupied Kashmir and also mentioned India’s humiliation at the hands of China on the border and its dispute with India and Nepal.The documentary also stated that the Hindutva virus in Bhat is transmitted from one generation to another and that the Hindutva virus is more destructive than the coronavirus.The aftershocks of the virus will be felt for generations to come, the documentary added.