Imran Khan’s misdemeanor cost PTI precious: Asan Iqbal


Federal Development and Planning Minister Ahsan Iqbal explained why the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leaders are leaving Imran Khan.

For the past eight months, Imran Khan has been poisoning the minds of his party workers and supporters, resulting in the May 9 incident, the minister maintained.

Imran Khan’s hate-mongering against the Pak Army and the state organs landed his party activists in the lurch, he said, adding that the PTI goons will face the music.

The minister added the PTI attacked the memorials of the martyrs, Jinnah House, airports and military installations.

He continue: “No society condones such lawlessness. All these workers will pay the price of Imran Khan’s misdemeanor.

“Imran Khan has a history of doing filthy politics to satisfy his ego, costing his party members and supporter dearly.

“As the true face of Imran Khan has been exposed, his party members starts leaving him.

“May 9 is a Black Dark in the history of Pakistan.”

The minister paid tribute to martyrs and their families. He slammed Imran Khan for disgracing the most prestigious persons.

Ahsan Iqbal highlighted at the program’s launch that the character building centers were established by the previous PML-N administration.

Also Read: Prime Minister Imran Khan will answer public calls tomorrow