Make no mistake, PM Imran’s blunt warning to India


Prime Minister Imran Khan giving a warning to India on any false-flag operation against Pakistan to divert the international prevailing issues said, “Make no mistake. Pakistan will give a befitting response at all levels of the threat.” In a tweet posted on Sunday, Prime Minister Imran Khan said, “In complete violation of the international law, India’s deliberate firing at LoC on UNMOGIP vehicle, despite clear UN markings and flying blue UN flag shows India’s total disregard for all international norms of acceptable state behaviour and respect for the international law and the UN. “Pakistan strongly condemns this rogue behavior,” Prime Minister Imran Khan said. The Prime Minsiter reiterated that, “I want to again warn the world community as India’s internal problems mount, especially economic recession, growing farmers protests and mishandling of COVID-19, the Modi govt will divert from the internal mess by conducting a false-flag operation against Pakistan.” Sharing the India’s ceasefire violations at LOC in 2020, the Prime Minister said, “Already, in 2020 alone, there have been 3,000 Indian ceasefire violations along the LoC and Working Boundary, by unprovoked firing deliberately targeting civilians – resulting in 276 casualties, of which 92 were women and 68 children.”
Prime Minister Imran Khan said he was making absolutely clear to the international community that if India was to be reckless enough to conduct a false-flag operation against Pakistan, it would confront a strong national Pakistani resolve and be given a befitting response at all levels of the threat. “Make no mistake,” the Pakistani Prime Minister said, giving a warning to nuclear neighbour India’s Modi-led extremist BJP government. Letter to UN chief about attack on UN observers Pakistan has raised the December 18 attack by India, on the officials of the United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) and their vehicle along the Line of Control (LoC), with the United Nations (UN) and urged it to initiate a transparent investigation into the incident. In a statement issued by the Foreign Office on Sunday, Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to the UN Munir Akram was stated to have written a letter to the UN Secretary-General (UNSG) António Guterres and the president of the Security Council.
The letter states that, “Deliberate targeting of the UN Observers and their vehicle – which was clearly marked with UN logo and flying a blue flag of the UN – appears to be a new coercive and reckless ploy by India to hinder UNMOGIP’s work, and facilitate another Indian military misadventure against Pakistan.” The Indian Charge d’Affaires was also summoned at the foreign ministry on Saturday to register a strong protest against the incident. “Pakistan had credible information that the RSS-BJP [Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh-Bharatiya Janata Party] government was planning to stage a ‘false flag’ attack to divert attention from its domestic difficulties and create [a] justification for another misadventure against Pakistan. If that were to happen, Pakistan will exercise its right to self-defence, the letter warns,” the letter reads. Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to the UN further requested the UN to forcefully condemn the attack on the UNMOGIP observers and call on India to observe the 2003 ceasefire understanding. “The UN must respond positively and urgently to repeated calls by Pakistan to strengthen UNMOGIP and improve its ability to observe and report on ceasefire violations,” the letter contends. Pakistan reminded the UN that the illegal and inhuman military siege and communications lockdown by the Indian government in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) had now lasted for over 500 days.

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