Lesbos: Greek police move migrants to new camp after Moria fire


Police on the Greek island of Lesbos are moving thousands of migrants and refugees from the fire-gutted Moria camp to a new tent city nearby.
Seventy female officers in protective suits were flown in to organise the transfer of women and children to the temporary Kara Tepe camp.
On Wednesday four Afghan asylum seekers were charged with starting the fire that destroyed Moria last week.
A government official said 1,800 had moved into Kara Tepe by early Thursday.
But many migrants and refugees remain reluctant to stay on Lesbos, as Moria was overcrowded and squalid. They hope to go elsewhere in Europe, especially Germany.
More than 12,000 people fled the Moria blaze and most have been sleeping rough since then, short of food, water and shelter.
The migrants are being tested for coronavirus before entering Kara Tepe. Reuters news agency reports that 56 have been found Covid-19 positive, and the authorities are striving to keep those infected isolated.
How the migrant crisis changed Europe
‘Europe does not exist. This is hell’
The fire broke out last week after 35 people tested positive for coronavirus and some objected to being put into isolation after months of lockdown.

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