Islamic New Year 2024: Heartfelt Wishes and Messages to Share

Local Pakistan

1.Islamic New Year 2024

It is the beginning of a new lunar year for Islam   . On this important occasion, Muslims all over the world reflect on what has happened in the past year, and look ahead to the year ahead with fresh eyes and hopeful heart.   New Year 2024 is a season of spiritual renewal, thanksgiving and community. It’s an opportunity to express heartfelt wishes and messages for those we love most or really care about, strengthening relationships and bringing good cheer. The Giving and Taking of Life.

, which in the Islamic calendar is known as Muharram This festival is held in the first month of the Islamic calendar. The Islamic, or Hijri, calendar was based on the lunar form and consists of 354 or 355 days.

2. All My Good Wishes

“May Allah bless you with peace, prosperity and happiness in 2024. ”

“As we enter the new Islamic  , may our faith grow ever firmer, our hearts filled with love and compassion for all mankind. Happy Islamic !”

“May God’s mercy and grace be upon you and protect you from all harm, usher you into the path of righteousness. Sa’di It’s the New Year!

“Let it bring peace to your heart, success your endeavors, and joy to your life as the  commences. A most happy Hijri New Year is my wish!”


Along with wishes that come from the heart, new year messages which rouse a mood or send hearts soaring can make Islamic  all the more memorable. Here are some such messages that encapsulate what this holy season is about.

“The Islamic  is a time for reminding ourselves to reaffirm our faithfulness and devotion to Allah.

“As the New Year dawns on the Islamic calendar, let us think about our actions and move to become good Muslims. “In keeping with the spirit  let us ask forgiveness for our past wrongdoings and among those we have offended make amends. Wishing you a year of peace and reconciliation.”