The sparking controversy in Pakistan cricket - Imran Riaz and Shahid Afridi clash.

Imran Riaz vs Shahid Afridi New Controversy in Pak Cricket.

Cricket Science Sports

The former captain, Shahid, answers to the charge that Imran journalist Imran Riazz made against him on social media.

Shahid Afridi recently said in a video that Shaheen is the best bowler in the world and a great batsman.

The argument started when prominent sports journalist Imran Riaz expressed disapproval of Shahid Afridi’s participation in Pakistan cricket.

Imran Riaz questions Afridi’s influence on cricket-related issues and claims that Afridi’s participation hurt rather than helped Pakistani cricket.

    1. Remarks from Imran Riaz

  1.  Impact on the Team’s selection :

Afridi’s disproportionate influence on squad selection procedures, according to Riaz, frequently led to favoritism, undermining meritocracy.

2. Public Proclamations

denounced Afridi for making comments in public that, in Riaz’s opinion, heightened tensions and created division within the team.

3. A component of PCB decisions

According to Riaz, Afridi’s influence on Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) choices was not always clear-cut and occasionally produced contentious

   2. The Reaction of Shahid Afridi

Shahid Afridi, well-known for his captivating demeanor and noteworthy contribution to Pakistani cricket, vigorously refuted Riaz’s charges right away.

       1. Dedication to Cricket:

Afridi underlined his enduring dedication to Pakistani cricket, in his roles as a coach and player. He said that he always acted in the athletes’ and sport’s best interests.

2. Positive Role

Shahid emphasized his involvement in several developmental projects as well as his attempts to improve the PCB.

The conflict between Imran Riaz and Shahid Afridi serves as a reminder of the intricate relationships within Pakistani cricket.

It has brought attention to some significant issues, but it has also emphasized how crucial teamwork and collaboration are to the advancement of the sport.