Prime Minister shehbaz Criticizes Absence of Opposition Leader


ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan on Sunday strongly criticised PML-N President and Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly Shehbaz Sharif and said that he would not meet opposition leader as it would amount to compromising over Sharif family crimes, ARY News reported.

While responding to live telephone calls of the general public, the prime minister said that he did not consider Shabaz Sharif as an opposition leader. “I see him [Shehbaz] as the nation’s criminal rather than leader of the opposition in the upper house of parliament.

PM Khan has reiterated his resolve of not giving any NRO to those who have plundered the wealth of Pakistan. He said that opposition cannot blackmail him to get NRO. “Giving NRO to plunders will be a treachery to Pakistan and I will not make that happen,” he vowed.

Mr. Shaheen criticised the PTI government, saying that people’s livelihoods were being destroyed by its anti-masses and inconsequential policies.

He asserted that the person who had talked about altering state institutions was using those same mechanisms to suppress political rivals.Meanwhile, the Punjab PPP Information Bureau organized a seminar here for the party’s social media workers. Syed Hassan Murtaza, the communication secretary, gave a presentation on the bureau’s goals and objectives and its first news conference to almost two hundred activists.

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