Elections: Eight holidays in educational institutions.


There will be eight holidays in the educational institutions on the occasion of general elections 2024 across the country, reportedly.

According to the media reports, the polling for the general elections across the country will be held on February 8, 2024 and on this occasion the educational institutions will be closed for eight days.

February 4 is Sunday, February 5 is Kashmir Day, while there will be holidays from February 6 to 10 on the account of general elections.

While, February 11 will be Sunday again and thus schools, colleges and universities will re-open on February 12 after eight holidays.

Educational facilities, including colleges, universities, and schools, will be closed for a total of eight days during election season.

Planning for polling venues, logistics, and post-election activities is made possible by this measure.

The purpose of the vacations is to boost voter turnout by enabling educational stakeholders to take part in the electoral process without interfering with academic schedules.

Authorities emphasize the importance of maintaining peace and security during elections, and they have implemented measures to protect public order and ensure that voting takes place in a conducive environment.

Recognizing the value of civic engagement and the necessity of continuing to participate in the election process, a large number of parents and students applaud the decision.



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