CPPA Proposes 4.75 Russian Units for NEPRA Energy Rate


ISLAMABAD: The Central Power Purchasing Agency (CPPA) on Monday has sought Rs4.75 per unit hike in the power tariff in an application to the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA).

The application has been submitted to the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority for adjustment of the power tariff with the fuel price in October.

The NEPRA has fixed November 30 as the date of hearing on the CPPA’s plea on tariff hike.

The country generated a total of 11.29 billion units of electricity in the month of October, out of which 10.98 billion units were sold to the distribution companies. The recent hike will result in the extra burden of Rs61 billion on the consumers, said the sources.

This probably refers to an estimated fee or rate, although it’s not obvious what “Russian Units” mean in this context. Since energy rates are typically stated in local currency or standardized units like cents per kWh (kilowatt-hour), more clarification may be necessary.

The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority is the organization that oversees the delivery of power.

The price that customers pay for each unit of electricity.

Russia unite is considering free as compared to Pakistan units

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