Covid-19 Positivity Rate Surges in Major Pakistani Cities

Health Local

The National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) Monday pondered future line of action under the chair of Federal Minister for Planning Asad Umar as Covid-19 positivity ratio is rapidly increasing in the major cities. The meeting observed that the Covid-19 positivity ratio exceeding 15 per cent in at least three major cities across the country. According to a press release issued by the NCOC, the forum held a morning session and discussed in length the recent surge in the positivity ratio. The meeting was attended by the provincial chief secretaries who informed the forum that measures have been taken to ensure the implementation of the SOPs across the country including wearing the masks and guidelines related to the marriage ceremonies.
The forum was informed that the overall nationwide positivity ratio for the coronavirus was 4.5 percent with 15 major cities across the country have a higher ratio. According to the breakdown of positivity ratio in major cities, Hyderabad has the highest ratio of 16.59pc followed by Multan 15.97pc and Gilgit 15.38pc. Among other major cities with higher positivity ratio, Muzaffarabad has 14.12pc, Mirpur 11.11pc, Peshawar 9.69pc, Quetta 8.03pc, Islamabad 7.48pc, Karachi 7.12pc, Lahore 5.37pc and Rawalpindi 4.63pc. The forum was informed that 4,136 “micro small lockdowns” are in place across Pakistan. The “testing, tracing and quarantining” strategy is being used for disease control and prevention, the press release said. The NCOC was also told that recent curbs will remain in force till Jan 31, 2021. The forum was also told that 2,811 oxygenated beds have been included to boost the capacity of hospitals while over 13,000 oxygen cylinders have been given to the provinces and federating units. The forum appreciated the efforts of the provinces in taking prompt and necessary measures in line with health and safety guidelines.

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