Eleven Deaths from COVID-19 in Past Day in pakistan country

Health Pakistan

ISLAMABAD (92 News) – As many as 11 people died due to Covid-19 while 515 new cases were reported during the last 24 hours across the country.According to the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC), 44,148 tests were conducted while the positivity ratio remained at 1.16 percent. The death toll due to pandemic in the country has reached 28,507. The number of positive cases has surged to 1,275,673.

Till now 12,918 active cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in Sindh, 7,868 in Punjab, 1,447 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 305 in Islamabad, 121 in Balochistan, 52 in Azad Kashmir and 30 in Gilgit-Baltistan.

Furthermore, 471,205 coronavirus cases have been confirmed in Sindh, 440,788 in Punjab, 178,427 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 107,063 in Islamabad, 33,307 in Balochistan, 34,491 in Azad Kashmir and 10,392 in Gilgit-Baltistan.

In order to help qualifying small businesses get through the current crisis, Industries Minister Hammad Azhar announced during the same meeting that they would receive up to three months’ worth of government-funded electrical bills.

Earlier this month, Khan’s administration reopened some economic sectors, citing the possibility that rising rates of unemployment could be a bigger source of death than the virus.

Nonetheless, the country’s total number of cases has been rising, with the number of fatalities doubling about every eight days and the number of cases doubling every eleven days.