Pakistan’s Deadly 24 Hours: 19 Lives Lost To Coronavirus..


Corona virus attacks continue in Pakistan, the deadly virus swallowed 19 more lives in one day, bringing the death toll to 28,496, while the number of corona patients rose to 1,275,158 after 580 new cases were reported. The National Command and Operations Center (NCOC) has released the latest statistics of people infected with coronavirus. In the last 24 hours, 580 new cases of corona have been reported in Pakistan, bringing the number of corona patients in Pakistan to 1,275,158.

According to the National Command and Operations Center, Sindh was most affected by the coronavirus, where the number of corona patients rose to 470,978, while 440,678 people fell victim to corona in Punjab. Besides, 1,78,319 cases of corona virus have been reported in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 1,07,022 in Islamabad, 33,280 in Balochistan, 10,392 in Gilgit-Baltistan and 34,489 in Azad Kashmir. Nineteen more people have died of the corona virus in the past one day across the country.

The total number of deaths from coronavirus in the last 24 hours was 08 in Sindh, 07 in Punjab, 03 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and one in Islamabad. The highest death toll so far was recorded in Punjab, where 12,936 people lost their lives. In addition, 7578 in Sindh, 5757 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 941 in Islamabad, 356 in Balochistan and 186 in Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Kashmir. Corona reported 741 deaths

According to the National Command and Operations Center, 22,577 patients infected with corona are being treated in various hospitals across the country, out of which 1,247 patients are said to be in critical condition. The rate of positive cases was 1.32%. A total of 554 people have recovered from Corona in Pakistan, after which 1,224,085 patients have been infected with Corona virus in Pakistan so far. According to new figures released by the National Command and Operations Center, 43,000 people across the country 901 corona tests were done out of which 580 people were diagnosed with corona. So far a total of 2 million 966 thousand 900 people have been tested across the country.

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