China welcomes Pakistan’s focus on the economic corridor


The Chinese Authorities have appreciated remarks of Pakistan President Dr. Arif Alvi about the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) for its role in boosting regional connectivity.

Chinese Foreign Ministry’s Spokesperson Wang Wenbin said in his statement that Just as President Alvi pointed out, the CPEC not only benefits the people of China and Pakistan but will also boost the development of other countries in the region and elevate connectivity and economic cooperation throughout the entire region,”

“We have noted President Alvi’s remarks, the CPEC is an important pilot program of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and a flagship in China-Pakistan cooperation.”

The Spokesperson said since its launch six years ago, major progress had been achieved with a large number of projects starting construction or being completed and more than $25 billion direct investment flowing into Pakistan.

Xi’s trip was originally supposed to happen last year, but it was pushed back because of security worries brought on by an anti-government demonstration.

In an interview with Chinese state media, Sun Weidong, China’s ambassador to Pakistan, stated that his nation and Pakistan have forged a cooperative pact to safeguard their respective interests.

In addition, Sun stated that Pakistan would establish a specialized security unit to guard Chinese nationals and guarantee the efficient execution of projects related to the economic corridor.

Also Reading: Pakistan and China Reaffirm CPEC Project Timeline