The-government- allowing-ISI- to-tap phones -challenged-in-LHC-.

The government allowing ISI to tap phones challenged in LHC

Local Pakistan Politics

1. Lahore High Court

There, a challenge against the federal government’s notification allowing Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) to tap and monitor phones of citizens is pending adjudication by Lahore High Court. Through the notification, issued by the federal government and Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) as candidly declared respondents in a petition filed with Lahore High Court regarding this. According to the petition, these powers are derived from section 54 of the PTA Act of 1996. The petitioner maintained that the Constitution provides privacy and freedom to citizens, phone tapping amounting direct violation of such a right. He has implored the court to restrain ISI or any other governmental agencies from tapping phone calls and communications.

2. ISI ordered TO TAP PHONES

The court is also about to take up a petition against audio leaks of Imran Khan and Bushra Bibi. Defense Minister Khawaja Asif said that the phone tapping matter is going through legal review. He reiterated such moves are necessary for national security and counter-terrorism efforts. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) plans to challenge the notification in Supreme Court.


PTI Chairman Barrister Gohar Ali: Constitution is absolutely clear that phone tapping of a citizen cannot be done. Privacy, he said, would keep people safe in the future. He also announced that he would head to court against raising of electricity and gas prices through the SRO, alleging “this is an unconstitutional step which violates basic rights guaranteed by the Constitution”. The PTI leader announced he will get Dr. Babar Awan to challenge the notification legally. The Pakistan Bar Council — the supreme body for regulating law in Pakistan, which governs national bar associations and provincial councils of legal education — called Prime Minister Imran Khan’s actions alarming.

Pti party against the phone tapping of pakistani citizen. Th oppostion govertment of pakistan aganist tayping of a citizen

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