PTI Regains Claimed  Majority Punjab and Federal 

Local Politics

Tehreek-e-Insaf termed the alleged rigging in the election 2024 as the “mother of all rigging” and demanded a judicial investigation into the alleged change in the election results and said that the Chief Justice and the Election Commissioner should conduct the investigation themselves. Keep separate from ‘Our numbers are full, we will form the government in the center and the provinces’ Those who are asking how the government will be formed should not stress their minds ‘Our aim is to get the leadership and workers out of jails’ PTI Founder And Bushra will recover Bibi.

On Sunday, Barrister Gohar and Umar Ayub Khan said in a press conference that we won 180 seats in the whole country. Our majority was reduced. The former commissioner of Rawalpindi raised his voice according to his conscience.

Barrister Gohar Ali said that we won 180 seats in the National Assembly, of which 42 were in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 115 in Punjab, 16 in Sindh and four from Balochistan. Not even one seat has been given, all the seats have to be given, we have to get about 50 seats in Punjab. We want a judicial commission to be formed based on the statement of the former commissioner. Want that there should be a transparent investigation.

Umar Ayub demanded the release of election results according to Form 45 and said that our numbers are complete, PTI will form the government at the center and in the provinces.

Umar Ayub Khan further said that the former commissioner Rawalpindi said that 50 to 60 thousand stapes were installed. The winning candidates were defeated, including the Chief Justice whose names were taken by the former Rawalpindi Commissioner not to be part of the investigation.

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