Summer word on beach with blue sky and clouds. 10 expert tips for a happy and healthy summer season

10 Tips for a very happy and healthy summer


Summertime Safety & Health Advice

Summertime brings longer days, higher temps, and more opportunities to enjoy the outdoors and all that nature has to offer.

The hot season is an ideal season for thinking on how to grow into your greatest self.

 Important  health tips

1. Maintain Hydration

Summertime sweating results in significant water loss from the body.

For an adult weighing fifty kg, eight glasses of water should be consumed daily.

2. foodborne illness

season  heat causes food to deteriorate rapidly.

To lower the chance of food poisoning, refrigerate any leftover meals.

Food must be cooked thoroughly to prevent spoilage.

3.Move on!

The season is the best time of year to spend time outside with friends and family.

Enjoy yourself by going on a ride, hiking, or playing tag!

How much exercise you should get depends on your age and health.

4. Typical  Diseases

The typical diseases present  like sunburns , headaches. skin rashes, jaundice, measles , typhoid and more.

Typhoid fever may affect healthy individuals through the mouth-faeces route.

The mumps is a highly contagious viral disease that can affect children.

Jaundice is a common water-borne disease.

paramyxovirus that causes measles reproduces at a greater rate.

5.Stay inside.

You should only go outside before 11 a.m. or after 5:00 p.m.

6.Take benefit  season vegtable  and fruit .

Eating fresh produce improves your general health and strengthens your immune system.

  1. Figs
  2. Watermelon
  3. Berries
  4. Corn on the cob
  5. Cherries
  6. Nectarines
  7. Tomatoes
  8. Plums

7. exercises that promote healthy living

exercises like those listed below can be enjoyed.

  1. Swimming

Swimming is a relatively low-impact exercise that effectively reduces excess weight.

   2. Brisk jogging

Taking frequent, brisk walks in the morning or at night is a fantastic way to stay active in the warm season.

3. recyclying

Cycling not only saves gasoline for the car but also aids in maintaining fitness.

8. Understand the indicates of heat -related illnests

If you felling these conditions. You might have to get help from a doctor.

Heat stroke symptoms
  1. Nausea,
  2. warm, no sweating with dry skin
  3. vomiting
  4. headaches
  5. fever
  6. confusion conditon/ unconsciousness conditon

9. Rest Well at Night:

Keep a regular sleep routine. To make sure you get enough sleep each night, aim for seven to nine hours.


Give yourself a relaxing bath or a spa day.

Enjoy the present and cultivate thankfulness.

Also Read: 10 fruits to cool healthy with in the summer….

For few a hot healthy  tips to keep in mind.

By following a few simple steps, you can significantly improve your eating habits and overall wellness.