10 Steps To Having A Happy, Healthy Summer



1. Summer Safety and Health Tips

The summer is here, the days are longer and temperatures continue to rise which means for more sunshine outside and all that Mother Nature has in store.

It is the time of year that gives you space to contemplate how you will evolve into your greatest self.

2.Important health tips

  1. Maintain Hydration

It is this that creates significant water loss in sweating during the summer months.

Eight glasses of water must be taken daily for an adult weighing fifty kg.

  1. foodborne illness

The hot season begins with heat that speeds food decomposing.

Refrain from finding yourself in a situation where you contract food poisoning — so keep the leftovers cold.

It is important to fully cook the food so that it does not become spoiled.

3.Move on!

It is the time of year in which the season, spend outdoors with friends and family best.

Play: Go for a ride, hike or tag.

Depending on your age, you may need less exercise than when you were younger.

  1. Typical Diseases

The common health conditions exhibit such as skin exasperation, migraine headaches. measles,forceful circumstance interjection syndrome and chance-moveCHANGE SKIN rushJaundiceWalk aboutOnce got let go of even typhoid etc.

Through the mouth-faeces route – Disease can be spread via contaminated food or water and may affect a healthy person

Mumps is a contagious virus that causes fever, headache and can spread to children.

JaundiceIn jaundicewater borne disease

measles can reproduce faster in human bodies than the other known paramyxovirus.

5.Use that opportunity along with seasonal vegtable and fruit.

Consuming fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet will increase general health along with proper immune system defence.




Corn on the cob





6.boost exercises for a healthy life

More of them can be found down there: Workouts as given here may also be played.


Swimming is a low impact exercise that can help shed the extra pounds.

  1. Brisk jogging

When the weather is warm, there are few more pleasurable ways to stay active than heading outside and breaking into a brisk walk first thing in the morning or after dark.

  1. recyclying

Cycling saves gasoline for the car as well as contributes to keeping fit.

7.Learn the Symptoms of Heat-Related Illness

When you feeling this conditions. There are cases when it may be necessary to involve a scientist.

Heat stroke symptoms

Nausea, warm, no desire to sweat on oneself with parched skin, vomiting , headaches, fever ,Confusion state/ Unconsciousness state

9.Rest Well at Night:

Keep a regular sleep routine. To make sure you are getting enough sleep, with the ideal amount between seven and nine hours.


Take a long hot bath or spa day for yourself.

In the words of my man Kyle Cease: “Laugh and be thankful now,—for this experience won’t last long.

Before we start here are few a hot quick healthy tips to consider.

Clean eating is not very cost-effective, but it pays benefits in every clinic visit when you have a clean diet and good lifestyle.

Also Read: Top 10 Fruits for a Healthy and Refreshing Summer